Gilcrease Hills Baptist Church, 2001 W. Newton Street, will host Tulsa Together’s annual church service this Sunday.
Racial segregation legally ended in the United States almost 60 years ago, but Rev. WR Casey will tell you that there is still an hour each week when it remains largely in effect.
“The most segregated time in America is 11 am Sunday morning,” Casey said, referring to the time of worship services that many attend in the Bible Belt. “We are separated because all races of people go to their regular church on Sundays, but we never find the time to come and commune together.
“The prayer was that they be one,” he added, referring to Jesus’ prayer for unity among his disciples recorded in John’s Gospel of the Bible.
This sentiment started Tulsa Together 28 years ago through the Tulsa Metro Baptist Association and the Christian Ministers Alliance, the latter led by Casey.
Tulsa Together is an annual church service every first Sunday in October that aims to “tear down the walls of racism” by bringing together church members of different races for a common service, Casey said.
This year it will be held at the Gilcrease Hills Baptist Church, 2001 W. Newton Street, on Sunday October 3.
Small group discussions will run from 5 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. before guest speaker Todd Fisher, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Shawnee and president of the Oklahoma Baptists, delivers a message during the 6 p.m. service.