Jamaica 60 Emancipation/Independence Church Sunday service at Boulevard Baptist Church

Worship service in progress at the Boulevard Baptist Church in St Andrew.

KINGSTON, Jamaica – The Jamaican Emancipation and Independence Service of Thanksgiving 60 will be held on Sunday, July 31 at 9:00 a.m. at the Boulevard Baptist Church, 2 Washington Boulevard, Kingston 20.

The government, through the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sports, will hold the service under the theme, “Reviving a Nation for Greatness with Gratitude, Discipline and Commitment to God.”

Portfolio Minister Olivia Grange will bring greetings to the service, which is expected to be attended by Premier Andrew Holness and the Custos of Kingston, Steadman Fuller, representing the Governor General. East Kingston and Port Royal MP Phillip Paulwell, representing Opposition Leader Mark Golding, will also attend the service.

The guest preacher will be Bishop Dr. Delford Davis, while the host pastor will be Reverend Dr. Devon Dick.

The service will be broadcast live on the social media platforms of the Jamaica Information Service, the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) and the Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica.

Andrea McCurdy, Acting Production Manager and Coordinator of National Church Services at the JCDC, said one of the highlights of the service will be the reading of a poem written by Jamaica’s 2021-2024 Poet Laureate, Olive Senior, for Jamaica 60 celebrations.

The poem will be read in a special sand-pouring ceremony, which will feature three people from different generations, who will pour sand representing the colors of the national flag into a special vase.

“It promises to be a great service,” McCurdy said.

There will be special performances by Gospel Music Minister, Latoya Hall-Downer and the Boulevard Baptist Church Choir.